Vision Statement
A safe community where you can experience loving relationships and Jesus centered worship.
Mission Statement
With a passion and zeal for a lost and hurting world, the Middletown Seventh-day Adventist Church is looking for ways to build bridges to a secular society through relationships. We aim to take a different approach in reaching out and helping people along their journey. We stress the importance of healthy relationships and cultural relevancy to communicate the gospel message. For these reasons we believe it is by investing time and energy in becoming a healthy community of faith that God’s church will then grow naturally.
Loving. Serving. Healing.
Service Location and Office
Middletown Seventh-day Adventist Church
125 N. Watterson Trail
Louisville, Kentucky 40243
Telephone: (502) 244-6997
Fax: (502) 244-9920
Email: Email
General office hours: Th-F, 9 AM - 12 PM
To make a pastoral care or counseling appointment, please contact the church office.